实验结果根据Table 3,两种Slot-Gated模型的性能均优于baselines,但是在ATIS数据集上intent attention最优,在Snips上full attention最优,原文是这么说明的:Considering different complexity of these datasets, the probable reason is that a simpler SLU task, such as ATIS, does not require additional slot attention to achieve good results, and the slot gate is capable of providing enough cues for slot filling. On the other hand, Snips is more complex, so that the slot attention is needed in order to model slot filling better (as well as the semantic frame results).作者特意强调slot-gate模型在frame acc上的改善,因为frame acc是同时衡量两个任务的指标。It may credit to the proposed slot gate that learns the slot-intent relations to provide helpful information for global optimization of the joint model.